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Night bus home

No matter the weather of the day
I always welcome the chill air of night
After I finish work
I relax with a cigarette and
Listen to whichever songs play
On whichever device I have at hand
Eventually I alight the bus
Smile and show my ticket and
Head to the seclusion and sanctuary
That is the back seats to relax
I message my beloved just to say
I love you and I am on my way
Onward I am taken driven home
By a nameless driver whose face I know
I silently hope that others get on
To spare me the inevitable passenger
The one who is loony and
Tells everyone and anyone the same
Story I have heard many nights before
To others and indeed myself
Accompanied by the horrible smell
That seems to be on him and fills the bus
Nowadays I pretend to be asleep
To deter him from bothering me
More nameless faces board the bus
Either heading home or off to work
A few stops from my destination
I switch off my music and remove headphones
Ready to leave when the bus halts
Then all that is left is
A short walk across the rails to home
Where my beloved awaits
Either awake or deep in sleep

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