Web of Infinity
After our personal hurricanes
and all the inner banter
that sounds so true
in this borrowed life,
the world is still here
and in love
with itself,
and look, it has
presented me with the
sanctified spider—
a parable in the body
of nightmares,
and sizzling with the
joy of being
where it is in
gathering of the small
and the brief—
truly the most blessed—
and it catches more
than what can be seen
in those trickles of
liquid pearl:
the first dream catchers
of the Chippewa nation.
Wheel of satin death,
Emblem of forever:
take the last of my
buzzing doubt,
whose name is mortal,
snag all that pretends
to matter,
till finally,
I remember:
Our flame was lit
by a greater flame,
our star fell from an
endless sun,
all one boiling universe,
one collective seizure
of birth and death
and birth . . .
one web,
like the river with its
living glass
into lakes and seas
and mists with
memories of past lives
reeling in
shattered blue . . .
Dear dancing net of
the ancients,
strands of silver knowing,
take the wild parts that
still believe in illusion,
take the particles of fear
posing as a universe,
take all of me
till I am
Patricia Joan Jones